Ashlyn Grummett


Ashlyn Grummett has been dancing since the age of three. Starting with ballet, jazz and tap, she quickly grew a liking for Ukrainian dance as well. Through the years she expanded her disciplines to add contemporary, lyrical, pointe and musical theatre.

After 11 years of studying Ukrainian dance under former Shumka dancer, Doug Rachinski, Ashlyn joined the Viter Ukrainian Dancers and Folk Choir ensemble. In her five years with Viter she performed at many events.  Among the most memorable, a tour of Ukraine in 2016 and New York City, Philadelphia, and Ottawa in 2018. In addition, Ashlyn held a position on the Board of Directors for 3 years and Co-Chaired the 25th Anniversary Committee.

To supplement her dance journey, Ashlyn was part of the cast of Blood of Our Soil, a theatre production where through dance, she brought to life the monologue of a Ukrainian woman sharing her story as a third generation Ukrainian immigrant. She also performed in the FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremonies.

Ashlyn is a second generation Shumka dancer as she follows in her mother’s footsteps.  She is looking forward to her first performance with Shumka and is eager to have the opportunity to learn and grow as a probationary dancer. Outside of dance, Ashlyn will graduate from the University of Alberta’s Faculté Saint Jean in 2021 with a French Degree in Elementary Education and is excited to begin her teaching career.