Eldyka Popil Simpson

Eldyka Simpson auditioned for Shumka in 1991 when her best friend asked her to go. She was accepted and continued to dance for 12 years. Over the years, Eldyka was involved in various executive positions in Shumka and on the Foundation. During Shumka’s Cinderella, Eldyka had the lead role as the autumn bride and the stepmother. She was also involved in the artistic committee during the production.

Eldyka was also involved in the Shumka School for many years, first as an instructor and then as principal. She choreographed an all-girls dance for the School’s 30th Anniversary in 2019, which gave her the opportunity to share the stage with her daughter who is a current dancer in the School.

“As a donor, I am happy to give because Shumka gives so much back. And I feel that I still get so much back with every performance and every story I get to share with my kids.”

Eldyka has continued to show her support for Shumka by serving on the Recognition Committee during Shumka’s 40th and 50th Anniversaries, and as Chair of the committee for the 60th anniversary.

Thank you, Eldyka.