Diana Stevenson

Between being President of the Cappies’ Edmonton chapter and working at the citadel, Diana Stevenson has seen many plays and shows. For her, Shumka has given new opportunities in the performing arts.

“Before I saw a production, Shumka meant something different to me. Before, it was people with their hands on their hips doing some dance moves. After, I realized Shumka is a good place to invest your money, for the future of dancers and community and people who just care. It’s so much more than red boots and kicking your feet.”

As someone who didn’t dance in Shumka, Diana has brought a unique, outside perspective to Shumka’s Board since joining in 2013. From Clara’s Craft Corner to the Mosquito’s Wedding Gala to her involvement across several different Shumka committees, Diana has dedicated much time and effort to Shumka.

Thank you, Diana, for your contributions.